Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Must have ecommerce features

Ecommerce website is the best tool to sell your products online. Ecommerce website developmentcompany offers the best solution for you business online which include: product catalog, product descriptions, images, prices and other details.

A complete ecommercesolution may:

· Fight for simplicity: make the user experience easier and enjoyable.
· Product photos: a good image worth more than words, ensure that you have good pictures in different angles.
· Be transparent: transparency will guarantee the trust of your customer and a good user experience. The customer must need to feel security in your ecommerce.
· Accessibility: Websites must provide a good accessibility for all the platforms, the website must be responsive.
· Convenience: create an ecommerce tailored to their individual needs and interest. Keep the customer informed about the status of their order and delivery.
· Provide options: provide information about the product thorough descriptions and reviews.
· Advanced features: add options and applications such as gift wrapping, gift vouchers, the option of sending items to multiple destinations and personalized notes .
· Make payment processing easy: accept credit card payments and PayPal account. It will make the purchase easier.
· Build trust: provide information about all the costs details involved before purchase some product.
· 3p's: price, purchase and product name should be visible without having to scroll.
· Ship fast: preferably the same day and inform the customer about all the ship details.
· Advertising: if using paid advertising, send the client direct to the relevant product page instead of home page.
· Product rating: use a product rating feed for user-generated comments be great.
· Guarantee: offer a good guarantee for your products. Don't make over-deliver and under-promise.
· Consistency: everyone has different your favorite color, brand and flavor, the key is to be consistent.
· Appending URL: create a clean URL and often snip them to mail to friends to refer a particular product to purchase.
· Safety: signup for hacker safe and related trade associations it will keep your web credibility.
· Responsibility: have a person able to answer the phone and all the doubts of the clients.