Steve Jobs initially introduced the idea of Web Apps to combat the current limitations of the mobile application. The idea was promising and therefore was taken forward by many future developers to explore new possibilities. PWAs are trusted by giants like Twitter, Financial Times, Forbes, Instagram, Uber, and a lot more.
These giants took their decisions and hired the most sought-after web app development companies for their tasks…. If you are planning to enhance your digital presence, now is your time to analyze and decide…
What are Progressive Web Applications?
Progressive Web Apps or PWAs are the websites that are protected in the app shells. These web-apps can be accessed via a browser search on smartphones and are capable of being highly dynamic and responsive.
Web Applications - the concept when initially thought of by Steve Jobs in 2007, his priority was to create a website that looks and feels like a native app but does not need any pre-installation (though there is an option of download for frequent users).
Google in 2015 introduced the concept of Progressive Web Apps tagging Steve Job’s idea surcharged with modern opportunities.
Now that PWAs are offering trailblazing UI with reduced load speed by 300% and the highest potential, the facade of the internet and our perception towards an app has changed. With the introduction of PWAs, people’s expectations from an online portal have increased.
Advantages of Progressive Web Applications on Business Growth
- Game Of Speed
How fast your application loads? In the era of speed and impatience, viewers are often seen darting to websites and applications that can load fast and show instant results.
A few years back, Forbes saw a substantial decrease in its clientele due to the website’s slow loading speed (3-12 secs). Once the company shifted to PWA, its browser sessions increased to 43%
Bonus: PWAs load under medium to poor internet connectivity.
- SEO Capable
Speed affects page ranking. PWAs despite being speedy are also SEO friendly. They reside on the web and their content directly approaches the web engines. PWAs help you stay ahead on the browser with the highest probability of traffic coming to your web app.
Alibaba witnessed a hike in conversions (up to 76%) after switching to PWAs.
- Better Interaction
PWAs are dynamic and support customer interactions. Companies owning PWAs are reaching heights because of their ability to connect with their clients. For instance, PWAs support push notifications which can be used for personalized product recommendations, updates, and other mandatory communication. Better engagement helps to increase the brand’s integrity in customers’ eyes.
- Commendable UI
PWAs are designed commendably and are powered with top-notch UI. As the word goes, these websites should look and feel like native apps, developers make sure that these web apps own the best UIs with proper tabs, navigation, feature integration, search fields, speed, theme, and a lot more.
There is a lot to the advantages of owning a PWA, some of the prominent are mentioned above. Apart from that, PWAs boost your engagement on social media as they can use device tools like cameras and GPS. Also, the implementation of AI that is possible with PWA, will open up doors to new possibilities (bot assistance, voice assistance, analytics, biometrics, ML, maintaining databases, etc.).
COVID is on surge again. With people spending more and more time in isolation (and over the internet), companies are altering their traditional sales spaces to highly optimized web apps. No doubt, web apps are powerful in current times (because of their immense benefits). If you want to enhance your digital appearance and reach out to millions with your services, approach the best web application development company today.
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