Thursday, 12 January 2017

4 big challenges Digital marketers faced in 2016

For digital marketers, 2016 was the year of change and innovation. And while some of the most eminent challenges were familiar, there were brand new obstacles that seemed to emerge daily. So, what were the most critical hurdles? As marketers close out the year and consider strategies for the new year, here’s a look back at five of the biggest hurdles faced over the last year as presented by professional of digital marketing company India.

#1. Ad fraud is still a big problem
The US has one of the worst ad fraud rates in the world. The rates will cost the industry more than $7 billion in advertising spend this year, once again up from the previous year. Countries like Australia, France, Germany and the UK comparatively have better rates.
But as the problem has grown, so has awareness among advertisers. This has led to supply-side changes, with publishers removing high-risk and potentially fraudulent inventory.  More industry-wide standards and incentives are in place this year than there were two years ago.
As fraud persists, however, the marketers might look at other channels that have more implicit engagement and audience buy-in such as mobile apps and email as a means for launching launch campaigns.

#2. Marketers are stuck on data collection
Today, more than 90% of marketers gather information on customers or prospects. Data-driven marketing has become the industry standard. But still stuck in idle, focusing on data collection. Most marketers are learning just to crawl when it comes to making data actionable at scale, and 2016 didn’t see much progress in that direction.
When it comes to data implementation, a significant number of marketers still lack the internal experience, either at the operational or functional level to be successful. According to a report, more than 40% of marketers can’t draw insights from harvested data.
This will hopefully change as marketing tools provide more self-service, automating data analysis and implementation. And others will provide machine-learning capabilities to get immediate applications of customer data.

#3. Marketing software is too hard to use
Technology’s ease of use has become a much bigger focus for the marketing industry in the year 2016. This is because of the complexity in the customer’s journey. As the customer journey has grown more complicated, with more data and touchpoints, software supporting marketers need to be simplified. Advertisers, agencies, and marketers want more platform simplicity from vendors.

#4. Underused locations
Location-based data is still the key to understanding customer context, as mobile becomes the dominant aspect. From traditional channels like email to more cutting-edge platforms like VR AR, and 360-degree video, location data powers insights on how to best engage customers in a more personalized way through mobile. Still, marketers seem slow to incorporate location into their campaigns. But as the year passed, most advertisers finally have realized just how critical geospatial data, in a post-mobile environment, will be for the future.

If you are facing any challenges regarding your internet/digital marketing campaign you can consider getting help from the Internet Marketing company India.

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