Monday, 19 June 2017

How to Measure User Experience For Your Mobile App?

In the world of 3G and 4G data connection, mobile users have become more impatient than ever, and when the user downloads the app does not show the success of your app. Instead, staying on the app, and how much they are influence to make a decision for your conversion is the core of achieving success!
Planning to develop an app, or hire an app developer, or to rank your app is not all what you need, rather how better experience your audience is feeling is the main key to success. Check out how can you measure the effectiveness of your mobile app:

App analytic tools
Understanding the analytics is the main approach to get a fair idea about how your app is influencing your audience. There are lots of analytical tools available, in fact so many third party tools are also available in the market nowadays, which could offer the user a better experience.
When you feel that you app is running in the right direction, as expected, you can make use of the third party tools to analyse. These tools includes number of features, such as:
  1. How many people download the app,
  2. How many are actually using the app,
  3. What is the rate of retention,
  4. Length of the session,
  5. Experience of users and engagement,
  6. Revenue earned for each download

In-app reviews

Asking your users about the feedback allows you to know about their experience after interacting with your app at the personal level. Instead of knowing publically how they feel about your app by leaving feedback, make your app in such a way that you will be able to develop one-to-one communication, and make their reviews as a chance to improve your app in a better way. Gathering feedback from your users does not helps you only to leave a positive impression on their image, but also, gain more trust and reliability from your users.

Session tracking
Know how long a session takes. If it is taking too short time, then you are lacking some feature of user engagement and eventually, it somehow shows the bad user experience. may be you are not being able to provide their expectation level of UI services, or there might be some bug. Consider taking suggestions from some mobile phone app development experts to uncover the session. Make sure to observe the following points:
  1. The average length of every session,
  2. Frequency of each session
  3. Bounce rates among pages
  4. Activities involve in every session
Customer’s emotions

Tracking the  emotions of the user is among one of the best way to determining how better the user has gain its experience. Emotions is the key point, which allows you to measure  how people will see you app and how will they react  while using your mobile app. Also make sure to evaluate the sentimental reactions with that of response of the customer, because, it is not always how we feel provide the equal experience.

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