Monday, 22 July 2019

5 Common Challenges While Developing an iOS App

The moment iPhone was introduced in 2007, it won over the market instantly. People were intrigued by its unique features and excellent functionality and replaced their old devices with it. The brand reached the top within no time and since then, it never looked back. In the years following its launch, we got to witness some major evolutions and changes in the devices and technological advancements. Every year, the company announces something new to its users and honestly, we couldn’t complain. Soon we could see the boost in iOS app development where games and other applications were launched every now and then. However, submitting and getting approved by Apple is not a walk in the park. There are many stumbling blocks that one needs to face. During the iOS app development process, developers have to face many challenges and even if they reach the end, there is no guarantee of success. So, before you start working on your next app for iPhone, here are some obstacles that you might face:

User Interface
One characteristic that has kept the audience of iOS hooked to the product is its great user experience and excellent designs. That has been the USP of iPhones and you need to stay true to it if you want to get a position amongst established apps. As you will be developing an app for a mobile phone, there will be space restrictions that you need to deal with. You have to balance user expectation with limited screen space where you have to include all the important features.

Apple has introduced several devices in the market, including iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, etc. Therefore, you need to ensure that your app is compatible with all of them and doesn’t take much time to load. Moreover, iOS keeps updating its version and old apps that fail to keep pace with the changes may slow down in the new version. So, for iOS app development, it is essential that you create an application which is compatible with the newest version. Although the compatibility factor is easy to manage in Apple than Android, the way to achieve that is more difficult in the former.

Another problem that Apple developers face is building an app that consumes less battery. We all know that users hate to install or prefer uninstalling the applications which are battery consuming. Of course, charging the batteries after every use is not always viable for many. So, they mostly avoid using the apps or get rid of them which are increasing their efforts. Therefore, your focus should be to create an app that has a battery-saving feature or consumes less battery while giving higher performance.

We know that network is not of any concern to developers but it has a close relationship with the performance of an app. If your application involves video streaming or something similar that requires huge data, then it might raise some issues. The users may not have great network speed all the time and your app should be able to perform even in such situations. The app that you develop should pass the test by Network Link Conditioner that stimulates different conditions. You can take inspiration from Netflix which adjusts the quality of the videos according to the data network.
We all know that getting submission approval from Apple is a hard nut to crack. There are millions of other apps that you have to compete with and any mistake or error can result in rejection. There is a stringent testing process that your app has to go through. It takes a lot of time as many stages are involves, moreover, there are certain guidelines and policies as to what kind of apps does Apple approves. You have to work according to these iOS app development rules if you want to make sure that it gets acceptance in one go.

We don’t mean to scare you but are preparing you for the upcoming challenges that you might face. We hope that you will take all the necessary measures to deal with these issues and have a smooth iOS app development experience.

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