Tuesday, 12 April 2022

8 Best ECommerce Onsite Personalization Techniques to Improve Customer Experience

With the growing Ecommerce scenario, customers are getting much concerned about the relevancy of the products and the user experience they get on the website. If they find any content irrelevant, they hardly return to the website and often bounce back. Hence, a number of eCommerce stores are resorting to Onsite Personalization and would be suggestible by a leading eCommerce development company India. 

Onsite Personalization is a successful technique of providing a customized experience to both the visitors and the customers, that majorly aims at boosting sales in addition to other business endeavors. Hence, in the following section, we are going to discuss these various personalization techniques. Keep reading.

Personalization Parameters used for Onsite Implementation

Before we learn about the techniques let us look at the major aspects used to differentiate customers for content personalization.

  • Onsite Real-time and Past behavior- Time spent on the page, images viewed, categories checked, price range opted, filters used, etc.
  • Off-site behavior- Emails, social media likes/comments, and calls.
  • Onsite search results
  • Purchase history- Size of the product purchased, sellers, product prices, color filters, etc.
  • Location- IP address of the user to locate
  • Demographics- Include gender, age group, marital status.
  • Weather-based personalization
  • Customer Relationship Management data-  Use of custom fields in CRM systems coneys that any data point can be a part of segmentation.
  • Session dynamic data- For eg: cart value.
  • Inputs in Contact form or answers to Questionnaire 
  • Social data- Education, designation, company industry.
  • Referral- The channel and/or campaign that brought the customer to the eCommerce website.

8 ECommerce Onsite Personalization Techniques 

  1. Behavioral Targeting

Here, some content of the eCommerce store is customized targeting a specific (or highly relevant) customer segment. The diverse Behavioral targeting covers both, the website and the off-site channels.

  1. Dynamic Promotions

These include promotions offered to the customers based on their past purchases, location, and demographics. For example, welcoming offers or free shipping to new customers, or people who have looked for a particular product or category, etc.

  1. Account-based marketing (ABM)

An eCommerce website development company can tell how ABM lets companies work on the top 20% that gives 80% of incomes as a standalone strategy. It makes it possible to provide absolute relevant content to particular B2B customers or spendthrift B2C buyers. This helps in creating a unique experience for them across all channels. 

  1. Weather-based personalization 

This method provides weather-based recommendations to the customers and also promotes sales of certain weather-based products during specific seasons. For example, recommending red wine and chocolates in winters, lemon iced tea in summers, and umbrellas in rains.

  1. Recommendation Engine

Higher conversions are a result of highly relevant recommendations and suggestions. For new customers, suggestions are based on region, age, or gender, and also based on the purchasing history of the buyers similar to the new customer.

  1. Dynamic landing pages

Customers feel truly welcomed when they resort to landing pages that are dynamic, i.e. based on specific parameters like gender, location, weather, holiday, or promotion, etc. An expert eCommerce website development company would recommend using A/B testing of various elements of a page like a copy, fonts, colors, CTA, etc. aiming for a higher ROI. 

  1. Social proof custom content

Social proof can also be personalized. For instance, a product review video by a girl would act more relevant for a teenage female audience, while that by an old male will attract an elderly male audience. 

  1. Banners Targeted by Segment

Banners that appear at the right time to the customers can highly boost conversions. One can program this feature depending on factors like signal exit intent, indecisiveness, or hesitation, etc.

Wrapping Up

So these were the most successful onsite personalization techniques an eCommerce business can adopt to gain more customers and boost sales. If you are also looking for an eCommerce development company, get in touch with us at VerverLogic

We, as a leading eCommerce development company India, excel in providing top-notch solutions for eCommerce businesses so that they can make the most out of its benefits and rise high in the industry. Connect to know more.

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